升级到Drupal 4.6.3

Drupal 4.7.0大致9月份可以推出,今天则推出了4.6.x的第四个版本 4.6.3。最近的这两个版本都是侧重于修补安全漏洞的。4.6.2推出的时候,并没有太在意,所以没有升级,但是前阵子发现了首页被更改的问题,不知道是不是和4.6.1的安全漏洞有关系,今天正好一下子升级到4.6.3。


Patch #27864: Correctly distinguish 403s from 404s for nodes.
Patch #23560: Sort watchdog date by wid to ensure unique ordering.
Patch #24030: Category selection does not work with Movable Type blogapi.
Patch #23750: Use the creation date rather than the update date in RSS feeds.
Patch #27863: Fixed order of parameters passed to imagecopy(). Could result in black images.
Patch #26822: Fix logo upload being broken.
Fixed a security bug in the XML-RPC libraries.

而最关键的还是最后这条“Security Bug”,所以Drupal强烈推荐升级。

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