Drupal推出4.6 Release Candidate!

Drupal的动作还是挺快的,不久前code freeze,开发新版本,现在居然有了一个样品了:)!呵呵,急不可耐的安装了一下,可以在这里看到这个新版本的模样。我还没有升级正在使用的这个Drupal,主要是因为很多的模块和主题还没有推出升级版本,并且这次升级还要改动数据库,比较复杂,等到一切都完备再说吧:P

从刚才的测试来看,管理中的不少设置都改变了,新添加了“Access Control”一项设置,用来确定访问权,原来这一项设置是附属于“用户帐号”设置的。另外论坛的设置也改变了很大,比原来的设置要简单方便很多,不用先设置关键字,再去设论坛,只要在论坛设置中直接添加就可以了。论坛的发帖也可以更改编辑了---这是原来Drupal被人诟病最多的一个问题。但是论坛本身比起PHPBB相差还是挺远的,没有添加譬如“引用回复”等选项,估计还是要靠模块来完成了。


搜索据说也彻底支持UTF-8编码,可以进行多语言搜索了,但是我测试了一下,还是有问题,准备写bug report。



- search:
* added UTF-8 support to make it work with all languages.
* improved search indexing algorithm.
* improved search output.
* impose a throttle on indexing of large sites.
* added search block.
- syndication:
* made the ping module ping pingomatic.com which, in turn, will ping all the major ping services.
* added categories to RSS feeds.
* added enclosures to RSS feeds.
- flood control mechanism:
* added a mechanism to throttle certain operations.
- usability:
* refactored the block configuration pages.
* refactored the statistics pages.
* refactored the watchdog pages.
* refactored the throttle module configuration.
* refactored the access rules page.
* refactored the content administration page.
* introduced forum configuration pages.
* added a 'add child page' link to book pages.
- contact module:
* added a simple contact module that allows users to contact each other using e-mail.
- multi-site configuration:
* made it possible to run multiple sites from a single code base.
- added an image API: enables better image handling.
- block system:
* extended the block visibility settings.
- theme system:
* added new theme functions.
- database backend:
* the PEAR database backend is no longer supported.
- performance:
* improved performance of the forum topics block.
* improved performance of the tracker module.
* improved performance of the node pages.
- documentation:
* improved and extended PHPDoc/Doxygen comments.

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