
Turkish Angora

Cat fanciers are enjoying a resurgence of a delightful breed once thought to be extinct — the Turkish Angora. In recent years, due to new importation from Turkey, the breed's country of origin, the Turkish Angora has again taken its place in the roster of the pedigreed cats of the world.

Many people have used the term Angora to signify any longhaired cat. However, the only pedigreed cats that carry the name "Angora" are the Turkish Angora. In the early part of this century, the Angora was used indiscriminately in breedings with Persians, finally disappearing from the scene as it became incorporated with that breed, known for a time simply as ‘Longhairs.'

The Turkish Angora is a pure, natural breed of cat, originating probably from the Manul cat domesticated by the Tartars. They migrated eventually to Turkey, where they are regarded today with great reverence, as one of their national treasures. In 1962, the Angora was rediscovered by American servicemen in the Ankara Zoo in Ankara, Turkey, in a controlled breeding program dating back forty-five years. CFA only accepts for registration those Turkish Angoras whose ancestry can be traced back to Turkey

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Although the Abyssinian is one of the oldest known breeds, there continues to be speculation and controversy concerning its history. In appearance, Abyssinians resemble the paintings and sculptures of ancient Egyptian cats which portray an elegant feline with a muscular body, beautiful arched neck, large ears and almond shaped eyes. Abys today still retain the jungle look of felis lybica, the African wildcat ancestor of all domestic cats.

The source of the name is not because Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia, is thought to be the original home of these cats, but because the first "Abyssinians" exhibited in shows in England were reported to have been imported from that country. The first mention is in the Harper's Weekly (January 27, 1872 issue) where the 3rd prize in the December, 1871 Crystal Palace show was taken by the Abyssinian Cat ("captured in the late Abyssinian War"). This article is accompanied by an illustration of the Abyssinian Cat. In the British book, by Gordon Stables, Cats, Their Points, and Characteristics... published in 1874, there is also mention of an Abyssinian. The book shows a colored lithograph of a cat with a ticked coat and absence of tabby markings on the paws, face and neck. The description reads: "Zula, the property of Mrs. Captain Barrett-Lennard. This cat was brought from Abyssinia at the conclusion of the war..." British troops left Abyssinia in May 1868, so that may have been the time when cats with ticked coats first entered England. Unfortunately, there are no written records tracing the early Abyssinians to those imported cats, and many British breeders are of the opinion that the breed was actually created through the crossing of the various existing silver and brown tabbies with native British "Bunny" ticked cats.

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Turkish Angora Turkish Van Tonkinese
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Gift from Thailand呵呵,今天收到了一份意外的礼物。虽然只是一个小小的东西,但是还是很高兴(呵呵,又要被骂整天傻乐了^_^)。这是一个嵌着贝壳的小钥匙坠儿,一个泰国的同学送给我的,说是同学,其实也很巧,一年前她是我的学生。那时候我在给一门关于世界古代史的课做TA,她正好在我班上,可能都是亚洲人的缘故(非常怀疑她是华裔),受孔老先生的影响比较深,所以她对TA也必恭必敬的。当时是我第一次做TA,所以也很有些成就感,教书也很卖力,尽管不是本专业,几本大部头的古两河流域史,古希腊罗马史也认真的读过,还有著名古生物学家STEPHEN JAY GOULD的那本Full House : The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin,呵呵,这些书都挺有趣的,看是一种享受,给学生讲,也是一种享受:)

呵呵,还有更巧的, 有一个学期,我TA一门国际伦理学(这个名字听起来别扭,或者翻译为国际道德体系?,anyway, it's International Ethics),我的学生当中有一个新加坡女生恰巧和我在另外一个班上一起上国际金融,于是又是同学,那时经常翘课,还要抄她的笔记,很没面子:)而更巧的是,那门国际金融课的TA是我另外一门Formal Political Economy课的同学,一个腼腆的罗马尼亚帅哥,瞧这关系复杂的,可天下就这么多的巧事儿。圣诞节去LV玩,和MM刚看完4D电影手舞足蹈的从黑暗的通道里出来,看到一个熟悉的但是已经有些陌生的身影,但是还是下意识的大叫了一个名字---结果,果然是我三年未曾蒙面的一个同学!




昨天去邮局买到了今年最新的生肖邮票,一共二十四张,包括了两套十二生肖,呵呵,做工不算不上很精细,比起国内的邮票差远了,不过毕竟要过年了,不管是自己留着作纪念还是寄贺卡的时候贴都不错, 下次去邮局别忘了看看:)






领养妮妮的时候,她的标签上写着“Domestic Shorthair”,以为她只是一只很一般的小土猫,就像她一屋子的兄弟姐妹一样。呵呵,当时觉得也有趣,一屋子形态迥异的小猫居然都冠以“Domestic Shorthair”的名字:)。

妮妮刚回家的时候因为太小了,什么也看不出来,脑门儿大大的,就像国内常见的黄色条纹小猫一样。可是现在逐渐长大了,才发现她和一般的小猫不一样。她的花纹不是条纹而是豹纹,浅黄色底子上的金黄色豹斑(呵呵,我们家的成语:管中窥妮,可见一斑:)),还有就是脑门长小了,嘴巴尖尖的,没有小时候那样虎头虎脑了。今天到一家Outlet Mall闲逛,MM去看衣服鞋子,我到一家Borders“偷安”(hoho,就是我给它做过N多广告的那家Borders--9.99刀的世界历史地图册),再翻猫猫画册的时候看到了不同种类猫的介绍,看了看“American Shorthair”,和我家小猫相差挺大的。又去翻看别的,才发现原来妮妮是“Ocicat”。且不说外貌非常的相象(Ocicat这个名字来自于Ocelot,也就是北美豹猫),小猫脾气的描述也非常相合:Ocicat的第一个性格特点就是不demanding,一点也不苛求--这和妮妮非常像,就是再饿,只要旁边有人她就不叫,并且她也能憋着不上厕所;第二个特点就是比较sociable,不喜欢被单独留在家里或是关起来--妮妮也是,从来不叫,除非你把她锁在卫生间或是关在没有人的客厅。其他的特点譬如容易和其他猫狗相处等,要等到以后再说了:)











不似米国国庆那般火树银花,观看的人也不多,寒冷的湖边只是三三两两的站了几个人,虽然另外一侧的downtown那边人可能会多一些,但是也远远不及国庆。不过元旦听到爆竹的响声还是挺有过年的感觉,国内已经不让放炮了,没想到在美国这边还能听到:)呵呵,新的一年,Happy New Year!
