Google的《达芬奇密码》游戏 (24之21)

今天的游戏还是老样子的挂图,按照先大后小的原则很快就可以完成。今天的问题仍然是Google Book搜索,我遇到的是:

According to Vol. XXIII of The Eclectic Review, the secret of scotch education is developed by what writer?


More words about today's "searching" quest: Don't trust google's book search too much. I mean sometime the book search will make mistakes when you search certain book titles. For instance, if you search "Vol. XXIII of The Eclectic Review", you will find the right book quickly and then it's just a piece of cake to find the right answer for the question as I did above ( the "scoth education" one); but when I helped some other guy to find the answer to According to Vol. IV of The Eclectic Review, what author has a fervid imagination and wonderful power?, Google Book Search was totally misleading. When I searched "Vol. IV of The Eclectic Review", the returned result is actually not Vol. IV of the book. So it is futile to try to find the answer in the wrong volume. I didn't realize this until I exhausted all the possiblities. Then I found the problem and solved it quickly. The answer is Ruskin.
